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The Commissioners of Madison County—–THEY ROCK!!


Clerk Sanders hands resolutions to Merrillee and Gale

This morning the Commissioners of Madison County concluded their business by unanimously signing a resolution to ban fracking and to support the bills in Tallahassee which do that.  County Attorney Tommy Reeves was johnny-on-the-spot ready with the resolution so there was no delay there.

The enthusiastic audience

When the vote was taken, thunderous applause echoed through the small room, which was filled to capacity with enthusiastic advocates for the resolution, many of whom were present due to the diligent actions of John and Gale Dickert of Madison.  Gale presented a passionate, detailed resume of fracking to the commissioners, who had done their homework and were already well informed of this modern evil.

Thanks for the success go to Gale & Merrillee, two hard-working lovely ladies who care!

The happy resolution to this project was no accident. Thanks go to Gale  who worked long and hard in the days preceding to inform the commissioners about fracking, showing “Groundswell Rising” the intense fracking documentary by Craig Stevens, to several, and patiently explaining all the dangers to others.  A nationally acclaimed film, “Groundswell Rising” will be presented  in person by Stevens in High Springs on March 24, hosted by OSFR and sponsored by Food and Water Watch and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

The result of Gale’s laying of the groundwork was that no discussion was necessary, and even though President Malwitz-Jipson was ready and able to give her presentation,  the commissioners wanted to waste no time in finalizing this legal document and the matter concluded with Gale’s appeal.  The meeting adjourned shortly afterward, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mr. Tim Sanders, graciously provided Gale and OSFR with several copies which bore the official County Seal.

Gale and her daughter Lisa have made arrangements to hand deliver the documents to Gov. Scott’s office in Tallahassee today, between 3 and 4 pm.

All in all, the morning could not have gone better for the citizens of Madison County, and the citizens of Florida.  OSFR continues its mission to provide the Florida of now and future generations a Frack Free Environment.

Hats off to Commissioners Justin Hamrick, Ronnie Moore (Chair), Wayne Vickers, Alfred Martin,  Clerk Tim Sanders, and County Attorney Tommy Reeves for their good work in Madison County Florida.





Gale Dickert address commissioners


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