OSFR is proud to announce the list of the seven contestants in the Riverfest song contest. They are listed herein with some basic info. These were chosen from all the entries and we guarantee they will provide you with top-notch entertainment based on our Santa Fe River.

Norman Fledell of Alachua, FL is a University of Florida graduate who has worked for 42 years in the horticultural industry. He is very interested in Florida’s native plants, birds, rivers and local history. His song is ”Santa Fe River Anthem.”

Alan Height is from Reddick, FL and is a native Floridian. He loves writing and has written poetry since age 18. In 1995 he had ten songs recorded in Nashville. His song is “All Year Round on the Santa Fe.”

Cecilia Jones is a local resident from High Springs. She is an acupuncturist by trade who loves the river. She is not a career musician but has sung most of her life in school and church settings. Her song is “River Song.”

Gina (Mama Gina) LaMonte hails from Tampa and is a bard, singer/songwriter, storyteller and wanderlust. She shares her strong, heart-felt connection to the earth, sky and nature through her songs. Her song is “Drift.”

Bud O’Donnell is also a local Fort White resident whose song was inspired by the Sabal Trail pipeline and the OSFR struggle against it. He is a poet, songwriter and playwright and his song is “Don’t Ya be Harmin’ Our Santa Fe.”

Eli and Bill Perras are a team from DeLand who perform professionally at many music venues and festivals. Their songs speak out against social injustices and corporate greed while extolling the common good of mankind. Their song is “Santa Fe River Waltz.”

John Stevens, from Melrose, is also a professional musician who attended FSU School of Music. He gives music lessons and performs as Moondog and in other groups. He grew up on the St Johns River.   His song is entitled “Roll Santa Fe Roll.”

This year, OSFR”s song contest is expanded and much larger under our RiverFest celebration. This is a tremendously popular and growing event which celebrates our local treasure the Santa Fe River. The river ties us together and provides beauty and inspiration in our lives. It is also a connection to our past and is a symbol of the lifeblood of the earth which has endured over the millennia, providing life to many inhabitants, both animal and human for countless years.

This is why Our Santa Fe River was formed by its caring volunteers to protect it from those who would destroy it for personal profit. And it is a constant struggle.

Published by OSFR

Our Santa Fe River, Inc is a Florida not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization composed of concerned citizens working to protect the waters and lands supporting the aquifer, springs and rivers within the watershed of the Santa Fe River. We do this by promoting public awareness pertaining to the ecology, quality, and quantity of the waters and lands immediately adjacent to and supporting the Santa Fe River, including its springs and underlying aquifer.

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