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“Leaders Must Act. Time Is Not On Our Side” IPCC Issues Warning

IPCC In: "Leaders Must Act. Time Is Not On Our Side" IPCC Issues Warning | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC

An article in the Gainesville Sun on Monday, Nov. 3, 2014 outlines new warnings  by the IPPC of global warming, now considered a certainty.

The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, meeting in Copenhagen, on Sunday  released a summation of 30,000 studies on climate change which establishes with 95 percent certainty that most of the global warming occurring since the 1950s is man-made and not a natural sequence of events.

“Science has spoken.  There is no ambiguity in their message.  Leaders must act.  Time is not on our side,” U.N.  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon  said at the report’s launch in Copenhagen.

Only about 3 percent of scientists challenge the mainstream conclusion that climate change is linked to human activity.

According to the IPCC,  the likely requisite to avoid “irreversible impacts on people and the environment” must be a “massive shift to renewable sources to power homes, cars and industries combined with new technologies to suck greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.”

Go to this link in the Gainesville Sun to see the entire, enlightening, article.



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