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Avoiding a Dystopian Water Future


watery foundation copy In: Avoiding a Dystopian Water Future | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
On February 11, 2015 at 07:53PM, Tom at Watery Foundation published the following article:

We once thought there was plenty of water in Florida. Those days are gone forever. Soon, we will be using every day the equivalent of umpety-umpteen olympic swimming pools of water! Our water future becomes more frightening every year and we are forced to make some very difficult choices.

We must not too carried away, however. We can continue to use drinking water to flush wastes down the toilet. We also must continue spraying huge amounts of drinking water and reclaimed wastewater on thirsty planted landscapes. After all, landscape irrigation of non-native plants is what makes Florida, Florida.

It is of course, also unacceptable for agriculturalists to give up the tax breaks and other government subsidies that encourage the overuse of water. And we don’t have to buy into the myth that dairy manure could ever end up in a spring. Never forget that horticultural ferns and fresh-from-Florida sugar are essential to this nation’s food security.

We need strong, effective action to preserve our very way of life. Local, state, regional, and federal governments should help pay water users to continue their current practices. Together, we can build a bright water future.

Read this article from Watery Foundation at
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