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Ill-informed Lawmakers Do Themselves and Florida a Disservice


David Cullen of Sierra Club Offers Information to Committee

By not being well- informed,  our lawmakers today did themselves and Florida a disservice.

Today in Tallahassee HB 1209, the horrible bill written by the petroleum industry to give them even more freedom to put poisons in our earth and waters, underwent inspection once again by an incomplete 13-member subcommittee.  OSFR President Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson left home at about 5 am to record objection to this law which would make richer those who destroy our earth and poison our waters, all the while sanctioned by our Department of Environmental Protection.  Others drove over 300 miles one way to object.

Committee members included the following:

Representative Phone number  all (850) area code
Michael Bileca (R) 717-5115
David Santiago (R) 717-5027
Edwin Narain (D) 717-5061
Jason Brodeur (R) 717-5028
John Cortes (D) 717-5043
Jay Fant (R) 717-5015
Blaise Ingoglia (R) 717-5035
H. Marlene O’Toole (R) 717-5033
Kevin Rader (D) 717-5081
Kenneth Roberson (R) 717-5075
Jimmie Smith (R) 717-5034
Dwayne Taylor (D) 717-5026
Ritch Workman (R)  717-5052
You can also search for your representative here.
Every Democrat voted to kill this bill and all Republicans present voted for it, plus Rep. Ingoglia who was absent had a substitute vote for it.  It should be added that Rep. O’Toole expressed reservations but her vote was a”yea.”
Logic dictates that anyone who understands fracking yet supports it, must also be realizing a profit from it.

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