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California, Texas, and Florida

dry spring

watery foundation copy In: California, Texas, and Florida | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

While we would never disagree with what Tom of the Watery Foundation might write, perhaps we could elaborate a bit on the part about Florida.  Tom does know that there is a comprehensive, well thought-out plan, called the Model Water Code, which has been codified into law decades ago.  And yes, there are public meetings, as OSFR has attended countless ones, requesting, time and time again, moratoria on excessive water withdrawals.

But what Tom writes is indeed true, since the static status quo is as if nothing existed:  the law is ignored,  the moratoria pleas fall on deaf ears, and big water users are happy using their free water at the public’s expense, even as the rivers and springs disappear.

But we must let Tom continue:


On March 26, 2015 at 07:07AM, Tom at Watery Foundation published the following article:

California, the most populous state, has a highly-detailed and structured state water planning process, involving public meetings, task schedules, legislative recommendations, and five-year plan updates.

Texas, the second most populous state, has a highly-detailed and structured state water planning process, involving public meetings, task schedules, legislative recommendations, and five-year plan updates.

Florida, the third most populous state, is different. The so-called Florida Water Plan is only one short policy rule plus a list of existing FDEP programs. No state water planning process, no public meetings, no task schedules, no legislative recommendations, and no schedule for updates.

Read this article from Watery Foundation at
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