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Cynthia Barnett: “Obsessed With Water”

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Barnett-Merrillee pic
Photo by Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson


Today marked the appearance of world-renowned author Cynthia Barnett’s latest book, Rain  a Natural and Cultural History.  It is her third major work, the earlier two being Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis (2007) and Mirage:  Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S. (2011.)  A book signing was held today in Gainesville with proceeds going to benefit the Springs Eternal Project to restore Florida’s springs.

A fifth-generation Floridian who studied at Santa Fe College and then the University of Florida, Barnett has lived all over the U.S. and traveled the world, but prefers Gainesville as her home.

Today’s Gainesville Sun carries a lengthy article about Cynthia Barnett and her career, written by journalist Ron Cunningham and can be seen at this link.  In the same paper today, Mr. Cunningham has also written an excellent and laudatory review of the new book, “Rain a lyrical love letter to nature’s most influential force,” which can be read at this link.

Barnett is known as a careful and accurate researcher and is highly respected by those who protect our water resources.  OSFR is proud to say she is a loyal subscriber to our Newsletter Posts and opens them daily, and we congratulate her on he latest success.

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Photo by Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson

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