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OSFR Undergoes Major Changes

MMJ PamSmith In: OSFR Undergoes Major Changes | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Pam Smith & Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson

A sell-out crowd attended the OSFR annual meeting on Friday.  No vacant chairs.  The reception was nice, thanks to Pam Blasetti, Rhonda Long, Merrillee, Patty Street,  Lori Lang, Mackinsey Shipeck and I’m sure others of whom yours truly is not aware.  Many good friends took the trouble to come out in support of Our Santa Fe River.  One of the benefits of river protecting is that you rub shoulders with good people.   You just don’t meet any evil people who are out working for the river.

Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson

Sad moments to see Merrillee step down from the Office of President and board member.  Her term limits had expired and require lacunae in the sequence before she can return to the board.  It is not possible to list all of her accomplishments during the time she was at the helm of OSFR.  One can go to  “Our Achievments” page, and get a rough idea, but this page is constantly out of date, and there is much more one could add.  Suffice it to say she has no peers and her fame and good works are known throughout the land.  And OSFR is what it is, mostly due to her.  Thank you Merrillee, from all of us.  And you haven’t escaped us, we are thrilled to see  you continue with OSFR as Policy Director, spokesperson and liaison for the outside world.


President Pam Smith

The sad moments are countered somewhat by the happy addition of new board members who bring many skills and promises to strengthen our group.  Foremost among these we are proud of our new president, Pam Ibáñez Smith, river resident, professional career-woman, smart, completely bi-lingual, quick and full of energy.  She brings confidence and optimism to weary writers and everyone else.


Rhonda Long

Rhonda Long is a veteran already and has contributed so much.  She can always be counted on to throw herself 100 percent into the task.  Our once-intern in sustainability Colleen Whitehouse likewise has been working for OSFR for the past year and knows the ropes.  She has contributed extensively to the photo-archive project and the data-base of riparian owners, a monumental task.

pattystreetfor board
Patty Street

Professional librarian Patty Street has also come on board as has Bill  Latham, (no photo available) also a river resident.  We welcome them and their fresh energy and ideas.

colleen whitehouse
Colleen Whitehouse

Not to forget our continuing Vice President Pam Blasetti, and Secretary Mackinsey Shipeck, hardworking and constant, and appreciated.  And SharonYeago, who has completed the arduous task of revising our difficult bylaws, which were approved by the membership at our meeting. And a reluctant farewell to Treasurer Lori Ann Lang, whose schedule has prevented further continuance with OSFR.

More information on the board members, new and old, will be posted shortly on the board of directors webpage.  OSFR is growing, strong and becoming stronger!

This post rendered without LFS but with GS

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  1. Cathy, I couldn’t have said it better! Merrillee, you are a powerhouse and OSFR has been fortunate to have your unlimited energy working for the Santa Fe River! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you have done!

  2. Merrillee…the river and environment owe you a debt of gratitude for all your work and for making OSFR a voice for the people. I am honored to know you! Pam…what an outstanding addition to the board!

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