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Reverse Thinking?



Why should the state issue a permit to a corporation to freely withdraw water and then spend $3.37 million to reduce the amount it uses?   It happened near White Springs last year.  With your tax dollars.

Dr. Bob Palmer, letter co-author

The people who devised this plan are also paid with your tax dollars.  If you ask them why they issued the large withdrawal permit, they will likely say it was “in the public interest.”  They believe jobs are more important than Florida’s water resources.

“Paying farmers and other interests to cut water and fertilizer use won’t work if, at the same time, the state and water districts are permitting other users to do even  more of the same.”

LSpringsCouncilLogoNEW“Last year’s projects were heavily tilted toward subsidies for those who are the largest contributors to the water depletion and nutrient pollution which are choking our springs,…”

“…DEP’s current approach – a weak regulatory regime coupled with subsidies to the largest polluters – is not expected to lead to the restoration of a single Florida spring in the foreseeable future,…”

The above quotes are from  a letter which the Florida Springs Council  sent to Drew Bartlett, supposed buck-stopper for water management in Florida, reproduced by Nathan Crabbe’s editorial in the Gainesville Sun today, July 10, 1015.

Commendations to the Florida Springs Council, Nathan Crabbe and the Gainesville Sun.  The DEP answered this letter with a weak response.  All Florida tax payers should see this letter.  All tourists who enjoy our springs and rivers should also see this letter.  If the tourists stop coming, maybe Mr. Bartlett and  his boss will take the letter seriously.

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