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Lafayette Co. Board Tables Anti-Fracking Resolution


Gale Dickert (standing,left) attempts to address BOCC, as Susan Fairforest (standing, right) reads resolution into record

Several Floridians Against Fracking coalition members, including OSFR members,  and several non-affiliated individuals who are against fracking made the drive today to Mayo, Fl, to request  the commissioners to pass the resolution against fracking.  Some came from as far as Wakulla, Tallahassee, Madison and Gainesville.

The drive was in vain, as the commissioners tabled the motion and would not allow discussion.  They explained that they wanted to hear from their local constituents before dealing with this issue.  A local resident did try to address the commissioners too, but they had already decided and voted to table the item, without input.

Gainesville resident Susan Fairforest did obtain permission to read the resolution into the record, and others, including Gale Dickert and Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson of OSFR attempted to address the Commission, but did not succeed.

The commissioners did state that the issue would possibly be addressed at the October 12 meeting but made no commitment.

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