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“Gasland” Film Aired at Rum 138

gaslandfilmaudience1 In: "Gasland" Film Aired at Rum 138 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Sierra Club Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson and OSFR Pam Smith, on the stage

Thanks to Food & Water Watch, Floridians Against Fracking, Sierra Club , Our Santa Fe River, Rum 138 and some volunteers, we had a good showing tonight of “Gasland” by Josh Fox.  Thanks to Doug Jipson and Merrillee for use of Rum 138 stage and facilities, for providing chairs, electricity and snacks.

OSFR President Pam Smith speaks about the film

Perhaps the film that most gave notoriety to the dangers of fracking, “Gasland” documents the effects of fracking and well contamination on innocent people who are discounted and shoved aside by the oil industry.  The film is very negative and leaves one with a feeling of outrage and disgust.

We see the stages the victims go through, usually starting with disbelief that their government protective agencies would allow them to be harmed by private industry, advancing to despair and outrage upon realizing we have a system that caters mostly to greed and money.  Welcome to the real world of politics.

Geologist and OSFR Advisor Jim Gross explains fracking and the dangers

For those readers here who are interested in fracking in Florida, we take heart at what was said during the film discussion: we have a good shot at voting in a ban bill for fracking, as it appears that Representative Mike Manning (R. from Winter Park) may sponsor a bill.  Last year we could get no ban bill introduced, but were lucky enough to defeat the pro (let’s study it first, then do it) bill.

Merrillee ran the sound and was the MC


A cool, crisp night was perfect for an outside showing

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