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Big Turnout at “Water’s Journey – The Hidden Rivers of Florida”

filmcavedivers2front bright In: Big Turnout at "Water's Journey – The Hidden Rivers of Florida" | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

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Water’s Journey – The Hidden Rivers of Florida

Featuring the works of Adventurers/Explorers:  Wes Skiles, Jill Heinerth, & Tom Morris

Tessa Skiles

A beautiful star-lit evening with perfect temperatures brought out a big crowd to Rum 138 for the showing of  Water’s Journey: The Hidden Rivers of Florida water.  This is part one of a triology funded by Progress Energy, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Tessa Skiles, daughter of the late Wes Skiles, featured in the film, as well as diver Tom Morris were both present and offered insight into the film and its making.  This presentation is another in the OSFR series “Giving Our River a Voice.” Thanks to Rhonda Long and Tessa Skiles for organizing this event and to Doug Jipson and Digitel Video for presenting and facilities.  And to Rum 138 for the popcorn and cocoa.

Our sincere apologies for the omission of images of OSFR President Pam Smith,  Rhonda Long and others.  Due to a corrupted memory card these images were all that were salvageable.

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Fearless Cave Diver Tom Morris


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