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The time has finally come to end this dangerous practice,”  Sen. Gary Farmer (D-Ft. Lauderdale).

ADdanayoung In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Sen. Dana Young

ADlatvala In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Sen. Jack Latvala

Advocacy Day took Tallahassee by storm and overwhelmed it!   Hundreds of advocates met March 22, 2017 at 10 am for an inspirational gathering at Waller Park, where they were treated to fracking songs by Emmett Carlisle and short speeches by sponsors and pro ban-fracking legislators Dana Young, Jack Latvala  Gary Farmer, and others, all ably moderated by  ReThink Energy President Kim Ross.

Senator Gary Farmer and Moderator Kim Ross


Immediately after the press conference, huge numbers of advocates swarmed throughout the Capitol building and hunted down their own legislators as well as many from other districts.  They came well prepared and made their concerns quickly and thoroughly known to whomever they could catch in the respective offices, be it Senators, Representatives, aides or interns.  The bills discussed were those regarding ban-fracking, renewable energy, clean water, water/fracking preemptions of home rule, and utility/ratepayer investments in gas reserves.  And even though there are no bills pending, we did not forget Sabal Trail and the phosphate mine.


ADfarmerbldg In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Sen. Farmer explains why fracking is bad


Lunch was served for all advocates, and many groups contributed to this event, including ReThink Energy Florida, Food & Water Watch, Sierra Club, Environment Florida, Floridians Against Fracking, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Organize Florida and Florida Conservation Voters.


ADgroupinside In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
THE BEST BUNCH OF ADVOCATES EVER! Billie Jo, Merrillee, Sofia, Cindy, Mike, Joanne, Jane


ADCindyMike In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe RiverADsmallgroup In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
OSFR board members Cindy Noel, Mike Roth                                       Jane, Joanne, David, Billie Jo


ADmmjJohn In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, Sierra Club and OSFR, John Dickert, loyal worker


ADkim In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Kim Ross, principal organizer and moderator of this event



ADJill In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River        ADGale In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River        ADEmmitt In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River    ADjane In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Jill McGuire                        Gale Dickert                             Emmet Carlisle                             Jane Blais


ADPortersoffice In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Representative Elizabeth Porter’s office sports a John Moran photo, the original of which hangs in the galllery of Rum 138, and on the back wall is a photo of Ichetucknee Springs. We ask her to protect these treasures.


ADbilliejo In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Pick an advocacy meeting and you will find Billie Jo Benedict there; here she carries a Sierra Club sign, but she is a member of that and OSFR.


ADmmj In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson is the role model we all strive to emulate. She is everywhere and everything.  She is the Bob Knight and the Jim Stevenson of advocacy. She is Sierra Club, but we still claim her too.


ADgroup In: ADVOCACY DAY - TALLAHASSEE 2017 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Merrillee drives a happy van.  No party poopers here! That’s why her van is filled up.  And this is even at the end of the day when we are all tired.


Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-


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