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Public Meeting to Discuss Flooding by Irma

Our Santa Fe River, Inc., a Florida 501 (c) (3) Non-profit Corporation
Our Santa Fe River, Inc., a Florida 501 (c) (3) Non-profit Corporation

TIME  6:30 pm

Wed. Oct. 4, 2017

LOCATION  Rum 138, 2070 SW CR 138, Fort White, FL.


Our Santa Fe River is sponsoring a public meeting with state agencies, local government officials and news outlets to discuss flooding in and along the Santa Fe River basin as a result of the aftermath of Irma 2017.

The purpose of the meeting is to help inform the residents, government agencies and press as to concerns with flooding and emergency response so that properties and lives will be better protected, as Santa Fe River basin residents are seeing very different flooding than we have experienced in recent memory.

This is especially pertinent to residents along the Santa Fe River.  Representatives from SRWMD and FDEP will be there and some from other agencies  have been invited

We recognize the short notice as to this request for holding a public meeting, but we see a need to do this immediately as the flood is still pressing and fresh in everyone’s interests.  This public information meeting will be a question and answer format with a facilitator selected by SRWMD or OSFR.

There will be time allowed for short presentations.  This will be an outdoor event, so please bring a comfortable chair.


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1 Comment

  1. I hope this public information meeting was successful in its brainstorming and networking between state agencies, local government officials, and news outlets. I hope that the resulting participation by SRWMD and FDEP will be thorough, swift, and productive.

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