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Please Call Bradley Before 5 pm Today, Friday Feb. 16 2018

call In: Please Call Bradley Before 5 pm Today, Friday Feb. 16 2018 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

call In: Please Call Bradley Before 5 pm Today, Friday Feb. 16 2018 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Critical  news from Floridians Against Fracking.


Based on an analysis of previous agenda releases, we feel that the next agenda of the Senate Appropriations Committee–the FINAL committee for our Senate bill–will likely be released THIS Monday (President’s Day). Senator Bradley, who chairs that committee and supports of our cause, has many bills to hear. If we want him to prioritize our bill, we need to drive in as many calls as possible over the next 24 hours. Help us schedule this bill NEXT WEEK by 1) making the call to Bradley yourself and 2) asking your friends to call as well as forward this email and share the call to action on our facebook page.

Here’s that number again–

  1. Senator Rob Bradley: 866-582-4813
    1. When you get his office say: Your name, your city, and you’d like to thank Senator Bradley for being a ban fracking champion and urge him to keep up the good work by bringing SB 462 for a vote in his Appropriations Committee.

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