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Important Gilchrist County Commission Meeting

Our Santa Fe River, Inc.


This week we bring you news from around the country on issues regarding water rights.  In here are the results of the Kucinch hearings last year regarding bottled water.  Our laws regarding water need to be changed to allow for more and better protection of the very thing that sustains us and our planet…water.
Our Santa Fe River (OSFR) is preparing you for the upcoming Commission hearing in Gilchrist County.  You can find us in person during the next few weeks at the Trenton and High Springs Farmers’ Markets.  We will be at Trenton’s on Tuesdays 2 – 5 pm.  And we will be at High Springs’ on Thursdays 2 – 5 pm.  Come out and meet us there. 

*  We will have information you will want to read before the hearing. 

*  There will be the yellow sign up card to fill in from Gilchrist County if you wish to       speak during the meeting. 

*  And we have the Think Outside the Bottle petition to sign from Corporate               Accountability International,
Please come to the Gilchrist County Commission meeting/hearing September 30 @ 6 pm at the Trenton High School, on Main Street and be a part of our history, forever.  The citizens have the opportunity to use their voice and presence to tell the elected county commissioners what they want for their county.  We do not want more water bottlers in this area.  CCDA (Coke/Danone) already is permitted to withdraw 1.152 millions of gallons a day from our Floridan Aquifer, springs, and consequently Santa Fe River to put in plastic bottles and ship to everywhere.
Our Santa Fe River will have a table at the Water Expo at Santa Fe Community College Oct. 3rd.
In the near future you will no longer be receiving e-mails from this address.  They will be coming from
Thank you,
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson
board member OSFR

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