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Congratulatory Note From St. Johns Riverkeeper

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Gilchrist County,

Congratulations on this wonderful victory!!
I am so happy for you, and the Santa Fe, and those of us fighting to protect the St. Johns River honor your hard work and commitment.
I’m in Sanford for our administrative hearing challenging the St. Johns Water Management District’s CUP permit that would allow Seminole County to remove 5.5 MGD from the St. Johns River.  The hearing will probably go for almost three weeks.
We’re facing a uphill battle. Seminole County is spending $2.4 million to defend this destructive project.  When built out, Yankee Lake will remove over 70 MGD from the river. This permit is the camel’s nose under the tent. Oirlando and other central Florida cities and communites want to take over 262 MGD from the St. Johns and Ocklawaha Rivers.
We believe we have a chance, and our legal team will represent us well. Hopefully, our hearing will help all of us fighting to protect our rivers and springs.
I ‘m posting a blog on our website from the hearing so folks can keep up with what’s going on.
To find the blog, go to and click on the link under the cartoon man sucking water from a straw.
Once again, congratulations and thanks for all your hard work.
Take care, all.
For the River,

Neil A. Armingeon
St. Johns Riverkeeper
2800 University Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Ubi dubium ibi libertas 


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