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Kayaktivism to Ginnie Springs

Kayaktivism Map

Kayaktivism map

We love the Santa Fe River and we know you do too.  We want to stop the water bottling taking place at Ginnie Springs by Seven Springs Water Company by opposing the state issued water use permit to remove 1,152,000 gallons per day from our Santa Fe River Springs.

Now is the time that you can join us for something fun and raise the attention to our plight of an International mega corporation bottling up our springwater to be put in single use plastic bottles sold on the grocery shelves as Zephyrhills bottled water, a label marketing by Nestle S.A.


Come paddle with us for Kayaktivism to Ginnie Springs on December 10, at 2 pm, on the Santa Fe River. There is no charge to participate – kayak rentals and shuttles are underwritten by Rum 138 and Our Santa Fe River, Inc. You must be physically able to do a short hike and a short paddle.
Sign-ups are closed.  If you want to join us on your own, put in at US27, Poe Springs or Blue Springs and meet us at 3PM at Ginnie.


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