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Protests at major grocery stores against bottled water Sat. Dec.21, 10 am -12 pm

MERMAIDS are thirstyFI In: Protests at major grocery stores against bottled water Sat. Dec.21, 10 am -12 pm | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


MERMAIDS are thirsty In: Protests at major grocery stores against bottled water Sat. Dec.21, 10 am -12 pm | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


The following is from the Bottled Water FB page.  Come to the protest on Sat. at the Winn Dixie in High Springs and let them know Nestle is helping to destroy our water resources.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum


Mermaids are calling for statewide protests at major grocery stores across Florida. Boycott all springwater wrapped in plastic, especially Zephyrhills, a Nestle bottled water brand.
Nestle wants Ginnie Springs water for their single use plastic bottle brand. The community in High Springs, where the plant is located, and surrounding area is saying no way!
Come with signs, at least one mermaid and others to protest the sales of our Florida spring water at grocery stores across the state.
Demonstrations planned for Saturday, December 21st, 10 am till noon on public sidewalks in front of these stores.
Confirmed local protest in the area of the Ginnie Springs water grab on sidewalk in front of Winn Dixie in High Springs, FL.
Please let us know here if you are planning to join us the same day and time. Post pictures when you can (before or after).


See Mermaid Michi’s video here:

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