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Bell Middle School Students Win Award for Water Conservation Talk

JAG stands for Jobs for America’s Graduates, it is a program that teaches the kids job skills for getting and keeping jobs.  However at the middle school level it teaches kids to set goals (small or large) and find ways to reach those goals.
I thought you would like to know that the Bell JAG team won the state competition using the Dr. Seuss story to talk about saving Florida’s water.  They are very proud of themselves and 4 of them get to represent the state of Florida in Washington D.C. in December.  They are the only middle school kids going to this 38 state conference.  They won against 4 other middle schools, 13 high schools and a college prep academy.

They are very excited, they are also keeping an eye out for the ruling, they have made sure to tell me that this wasn’t about the competition for them it was about the water and they want to continue to help.
Karen L Murray
teacher at Bell Middle School

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