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Input Needed to Help the FWC and Ourselves

FWC FI logo In: Input Needed to Help the FWC and Ourselves | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

OSFR BOARD JUNE 2020 2 In: Input Needed to Help the FWC and Ourselves | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
June 24 marked our first in-person board meeting since the Corona virus, held in the open air with all precautions. Invited guest speakers were FWC Major Rowe and Captain Huff for an exchange of information on river conditions and regulations. OSFR’s concerns have always been safety and bank erosion.  OSFR has a history of working with the FWC in dealing with the Santa Fe River.  Photo bv Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson.



Here is an opportunity to help us make improvements to the safety and recreational use of our rivers, the Santa Fe or any other throughout the state.

The Santa Fe today is nothing like it was ten or fifteen years ago when it was rare to see a boat on weekdays.  With the tremendous increase in usage has come traffic problems bringing bank erosion and safety risks.

Please give  your thoughtful attention to the survey to help make our waterways better.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum



Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


We need your input! Please complete this short survey to provide insight needed to update A Guide for Multiple-Use Waterway Management, Second Edition published in 2004. The Third Edition update will include a website with a compilation of online resources for managers who are responsible for the wise, safe multiple-use of our rivers, lakes, harbors and coastal waterways.

A great change seen by waterway managers since the 2004 edition is the growth of multiple forms of recreational boating and competing expectations for use of our nation’s waterways. This survey asks you to identify potential challenges faced by waterway managers including drivers of new uses and activities. Survey responses will ensure the Third Edition of the Guide addresses topics of greatest concern with examples, if available, illustrating management challenges and successes.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to ensure your voice is heard and that the updated Guide becomes a reliable resource for you and your colleagues. The 10-question survey should take fewer than eight minutes to complete. Access the survey at this link:

Please share this email and survey link with your colleagues and others interested in multiple-use waterway management. The survey will remain open until August 1, 2020.

The project is funded under a national non-profit grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the United States Coast Guard. The grant was awarded to the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators which is providing program oversight. The project is guided by a project steering committee including representatives from a wide range of user groups and management agencies. For a list of steering committee members and for additional information on the project, visit

 On behalf of the project team, thank you for your completion of this short survey.

Pamela Dillon, CAE

Project Specialist


1020 Monarch Street, Suite 200

Lexington, KY 40513

859.225.9487 EXT 7368


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