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Editorial l Clean Water Amendment Worth Backing–

Citruscochronlogo In: Editorial l Clean Water Amendment Worth Backing-- | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Citruscochronlogo In: Editorial l Clean Water Amendment Worth Backing-- | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

This amendment is indeed worth backing–in fact, it may be imperative if we are miraculously able to save our clean water.  The sources of pollution have been pinpointed, but we are not working to eliminate them.  We are pretending to fix the problem by devising innovative ways to treat the symptoms, and being very careful to not offend the polluters.

Read the original article here in the Citrus County Chronicle.
Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

Editorial: Clean water amendment worth backing

Clean water is imperative to our ecosystem both in Florida and throughout the world.

But Capt. Karl R. Deigert, treasurer/director of Florida Rights of Nature Network, opines that Florida lawmakers are being duped by advocacy groups that “Plan CC” by the Army Corps of Engineers will bring effective change.

That change, he says, calls for the Army Corps of Engineers to transport water, whether clean or toxic. The federal agency says water quality is Florida’s responsibility. We certainly agree, it is the state’s responsibility, from the top to the bottom, government officials, businesses and corporations to the citizens.

It’s no secret that corporations influence legislation. “Money talks,” as they say.

But there’s power in numbers and the people can make their voice heard. The Florida Rights of Nature Network ( is championing the now-active “Right to Clean Water Amendment” petition. They say it is the 16-pound hammer to break the cycle of failed past legislation that isn’t working.

Because we want to provide residents with clean water, protect the environment, it starts with those who are passing laws: our state Legislature and other top-ranking officials. We must pinpoint the sources of pollution and find ways to eliminate it….

Floridians should support this worthwhile amendment.

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1 Comment

  1. Go to FL5.ORG to read and print a copy of the petition for signing and mailing. The clean water amendment petition is the first of the five (all very important and necessary) petitions listed there.

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