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“Unite for Clean Water” Nov. 10 Event

littleawesomemmj1 In: "Unite for Clean Water" Nov. 10 Event | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

littleawesomemmj1 In: "Unite for Clean Water" Nov. 10 Event | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Photo by Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson.

This constitutional amendment may be our only hope to save our springs, rivers and aquifer from polluters and water use abusers;  it is obvious that our DEP and water management districts will not do so.

We are smack on the road of non-sustainability and at the end of that road we will find dried up springs, salt water in our aquifer and rivers so polluted we can’t touch the water.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

Nov 10th Event Link

“Unite for Clean Water”


Clean Water Floridians, Assemble

If you represent an organization, business, group of people or just yourself, AND you’d like to be part of a critical phase of this campaign, register here to get the ticket and Zoom link to our Nov 10th, 6pm event.

We will present the plan and step through exactly how anyone can help. We’re organizing a three-month push — just 12 weekends — to achieve our objective of 223k signed petitions before March 1st.

Spoiler alert: we’re looking for county organizers (whether you’re a motivated individual with experience or a well known nonprofit) to step into this opportunity and call for bold leadership. Is this you?

We need you, and — in all honesty — it’s now or never.

Note: The Zoom link will be deleted tomorrow when we extend the invitation out on social media, but will be resent to all ticketed attendees.

Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget to vote!
While the amendment creating the Right to Clean and Healthy Waters is not dependent on politicians, we still hope you’ll prioritize clean water candidates in your voting decisions. It matters.
Our website will be updated on November 10th with training videos, regional updates, petition locations and other guidance for anyone wishing to directly help. If you’d like to recommend any other changes or adds, let us know soon!

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