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Singer/ Songwriter Deadline March 1st.

2018 RiverFest Winner

The deadline for submissions to the RiverFest song contest is rapidly approaching. Since its establishment in 2010, this competition has seen the creation and performance of numerous remarkable and distinctive songs dedicated to our beloved river. You can access many of these songs on our YouTube page. This year’s winners will receive a cash prize AND recording time at HeartWood Soundstage. The Singer/Songwriter contest will take place on Sunday, March 24, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. To submit a song, use this link.

Call to Songwriters
Call to Singer/ Songwriters

The Singer/Songwriter Contest is part of Our Santa Fe River Inc.’s annual fundraising event, RiverFest.  The competition is open to all amateur & professional songwriters attracting local and regional songwriters from around the state. Singer/Songwriters will write and perform original songs about the Santa Fe River to compete for cash prizes while showcasing and sharing their musical skills to help raise money for a good cause—the Santa Fe River, its springs, and aquifer.

This event encompasses an appreciation of the Santa Fe River through music, friendship, food and fun.  The 12th annual Singer/Songwriter Contest will be held Sunday, March 24th, 2024 from 1:00-6:00pm at Rum 138, located at 2070 Southwest County Road 138, Fort White, Florida.  Music lovers will enjoy, celebrate, and learn about this special spring-fed river through the contestants’ talented compositions and performances.

2018 RiverFest Winner
Cliff Dorsey, winner of 2018 RiverFest contest

Throughout the contest’s history, there have been more than 100 songs written and performed on stage about the Santa Fe River. Some musicians have gone on to professionally record as well as receive air and internet play of their compositions.

During the contest other activities will include a silent auction featuring an exciting list of items that are donated by our areas accomplished artists, businesses, and individuals, food from local food vendors, beverages from local breweries, a pop-up t-shirt printer offering this year’s RiverFest t-shirts for sale, a real live mermaid, and a 50/50 raffle.  

The winner and two runners-up will walk away with cash prizes.  All participants will receive a food/drink voucher, entry into the event, and a video recording of their performance which will also be featured on Our Santa Fe River Inc.’s YouTube Channel.

OSFR President Joanne Tremblay
“Giving Our River A Voice”

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