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Action Alert: Rally Against Phosphate Mine–Friday April 29, 5-7 pm Courthouse in Starke



OSFR learned yesterday that the Bradford County commissioners canceled a very important discovery workshop on the proposed phosphate mining proposal that would have taken place this Friday evening in Starke.  There were to be discussions on both sides of the issues relative to the HPS II phosphate mining plan was submitted quietly in the morning of April 21, 2016. The Bradford BOCC has decided the workshop is unnecessary.

OSFR begs to differ and we are planning a public protest of the mining interest in Bradford County.  Friday, April 29th 5 – 7 pm in Starke at the Bradford County Courthouse  945 N Temple Ave. .  Come one and ALL.  This staged “No Mining Rally” will help to let the passersby know that this mining operation is being decided at that county meeting room in the near future.  The entire fate of  New River and the Santa Fe River is resting in these public officials’ purview and now they have refused to hear both sides of the issue in a valuable workshop.

Please join us, especially if you were planning to attend that workshop and please bring your hand made signs or yard signs, wear your ban mining t-shirts and wear red, white or aquas.

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1 Comment

  1. Come on you guys! I am watching from afar and I am sickened by what’s going on up there. You need to organize and have boots on the ground and let everyone know what is going on. Hand out flyers at stores. Go to all houses. Our state is being destroyed! Once this happens it cannot be fixed!

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