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Anti-Fracking Coalition Supports Legislation Banning Fracking In Florida


Senators Darren Soto & Dwight Bullard Ban Fracking Bill Sponsors


Anti-Fracking Coalition Supports Legislation Banning Fracking In Florida

Statement From Floridians Against Fracking Coalition

August 24, 2015
Contacts: Jorge Aguilar. Food & Water Watch. 305-467-8755.
Kim Ross. ReThink Energy Florida. 850-766-1300.

Tallahassee, FL  –  The Floridians Against Fracking coalition applauds the introduction of state legislation in the Florida Senate that would ban fracking and other dangerous well stimulation techniques in the State of Florida.  We expect more bi-partisan support this year for this important bill now that a statewide anti-fracking movement has made this a statewide issue.  To date, 36 Florida municipalities from diverse ends of the political spectrum have passed resolutions calling for a state ban on fracking, representing 31% of residents in the state.

Fracking and other forms of unconventional drilling for gas and oil could soon be a common reality in several regions around Florida since state law has loopholes that allow fracking companies to use harmful new techniques when drilling for oil and gas, with almost no oversight.

From start to finish, fracking has been known to contaminate water resources and use tremendous amounts of water, all while endangering sensitive ecosystems. In fact, the Florida Everglades could be the first area that could be threatened by the expansion of fracking rigs now that state agencies are reviewing several new permits in South Florida.

Jorge Aguilar

“We applaud Sen. Soto and Sen. Bullard for showing a real commitment to protecting Florida residents from the negative impacts that fracking would have in the state,” said Jorge Aguilar, the Southern Region Director of Food & Water Watch. “We know that elected officials from urban and rural, conservative and liberal, as well as small and big cities have already expressed great concerns about the harmful consequences that fracking would have in the Sunshine State. State legislators in Tallahasee need to address this issue head on by supporting a ban on fracking altogether. ”


Kim Ross

“Fracking is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed immediately since it could impact our water resources for decades,” said Kim Ross, president of ReThink Energy Florida .  “We should not move forward with any form of drilling that puts drinking water at risk. To quote Senator Latvala from last session in regards to fracking, ‘Every now and then there’s a fundamental issue that comes along that could mark our state for years into the future…We have a responsibility to protect our people.’ Every legislator who cares about the right to water should support this legislation that prohibits fracking in the state.”


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OSFR Policy Director Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson

“Regulations in states like Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Texas have not protected residents from the myriad of health and environmental damage from fracking wastewater, said Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, policy director for Our Santa Fe River.  “Once our freshwater supply is fracked it can never be completely returned to the water cycle. Only a ban on fracking can protect Florida residents and its waters.”

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