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PAM1 In: New Wales Permit Application Action Alert: Stop Sinkhole-Prone Radioactive Gypstack Expansion | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

New Wales Permit Application Action Alert: Stop Sinkhole-Prone Radioactive Gypstack Expansion

In the wake of a near-environmental disaster at the Piney Point phosphogypsum stack, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is now entertaining plans to expand the New Wales gypstack – the same gypstack that suffered […]

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MosaicFhole1 In: Don’t allow hazardous material in road construction: OSFR President Mike Roth Guest Editorial | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Don’t allow hazardous material in road construction: OSFR President Mike Roth Guest Editorial

  The anti-environment appointees under the Trump administration indeed attempted to launch some preposterous programs and using toxic phosphogypsum  for road building was one of them.  Gypstacks are much in the news today because of […]

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