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Awesome Army At Orlando



On Sat. in Orlando an all day meeting was held by the Anti-Fracking Coalition with representatives from all corners of the state and even help from New York.  These interested parties either represented or had direct ties to about 17 different organizations or groups in Florida, plus there were others who represented no official unit, but worked within their own personal capacities and connections.

OSFR, ReThink Energy, Food & Water Watch, 3 principal organizers. Thank these people and many others for what they do for you.

This was an awesome army with unlimited power potential whose leaders were united in a small room with a barrage of ideas bouncing around and being discussed.  Awesome is what is needed as we have to fight our own EPA which permits our earth and water poisoning and protects only the polluters.

Groups were assigned according to specialties or preferences which met and later pooled ideas.  Tactics, strategies, resolutions and ordinances, legislators, media, internal communications, and time frames were all facets making up the whole.

OSFR’s contribution has been major, since President Malwitz-Jipson is one of the three main organizers along with ReThink Energy and Food & Water Watch.

Working within the framework devised first by the organizers and then the Coalition as a group, OSFR’s participation has been and continues to be that of education about the dangers of fracking.

This has been achieved by presenting information to county commissioners and by posting on our website as well as writing opinion editorials in local and state-wide newspapers.

The battle goes on and will intensify as, at the moment, the frackers are gaining strength, but we are also.

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