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Bad Laws That Harm the Environment Are Catching Up to Us



Bills signed in 2013 allowing more poisons into the earth, water and  air by industrial polluters are catching up to us.  This follows the consistent trend of aiding industry at the expense of our environment.  As time goes on, we are beginning to see the effects of this philosophy, and Tallahassee is becoming more and more the target of the citizens’ outrage.

Tallahassee  may see the light, as tourism, an important industry in Florida, is now suffering from the consequences of ignoring water  issues –  States of Emergency, closed beaches,  dying water creatures, disgusting smells, foolish finger pointing.

Then again, maybe Tallahassee sees no light, as our DEP just recently started the process to allow even more toxins into the environment, helping industry destroy our resources even faster.

Following is an article by the Martin County Times exposing this past action.  Thanks to Tracie Marinello for the post.Scroll

mc times logo com In: Bad Laws That Harm the Environment Are Catching Up to Us | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Florida laws take effect July 1 that allow toxic waste, sewage to be dumped, poured, and buried

June 12th, 2013 at 12:00 AM |

According to AllVoices, Governor Rick Scott signed several bills at the end of the 2013 legislative session that allow toxic waste and sewage to be dumped, poured, and buried all over Florida.

The primary beneficiaries of the new Florida laws are construction, mining, and oil and gas companies, which will not have to incur additional costs for safe and responsible disposal of their toxic waste and chemicals. They will also reap the rewards of lower fees for permits, and access to environmentally sensitive lands and wildlife habitat that were previously off limits to commercial development.

The provisions of SB 444, SB 682, and HB 999 take effect on July 1 and include forcing landfills that previously banned toxic waste to accept asphalt, combustible petroleum waste, cement products, plastic paints, insulation, and other poisonous chemicals. More wastewater will be discharged into waterways and the ocean surrounding Florida beaches, and fewer requirements for transparency by polluters.

Local governments who might attempt to deny commercial developers’ permits on environmentally sensitive lands will have less freedom to control their cities and towns.

For the complete article:

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