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Bradford County Residents–Please Read


OSFR addresses commissioners. It was a one-sided conversation. This issue is far from over.

Becky Parker has been working very very hard. She needs help.

On Thursday Feb. 18 the Bradford County Commissioners touched on the topic of interest which is the proposed phosphate mine straddling New River with footprints in Union and Bradford Counties.

Even though the the county attorney Will Sexton advised the commissioners to say nothing, (which they did), the commissioners allowed speakers to voice their opinions, which several did, including OSFR and several others among which were Becky Parker and Marc Lyon.  Counselor Sexton also advised the commissioners not to consult with their constituents regarding this issue, even though they have already done so with mining interests, and notwithstanding that their job is to represent the citizens of the county.

Marc Lyon. Commissioners would do well to take his advice!

The commissioners did offer the information than no permit had yet been solicited by any phosphate company, and additionally, that some members of the commission had been in communication with representatives of the mining company.

Both Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson and Marc Lyon gave information to the commissioners regarding the procedure as to how Union County is dealing with this issue, which is to place a moratorium on permits until the entire mine picture can be assessed accurately to see if a mine is what is best for the county.  They will consult with the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council and consider all aspects, which include jobs for the county, property values, the environment, risks to the river, health issues and the will of the citizens, not just a handful of individuals.

How Bradford County will deal with the issue remains an enigma.  In due time one assumes we will find out.

Please consider sending these Bradford County Commissioner facts about the phosphate mining industry and the harm that comes from such an intrusive extraction process to be located over the New River and alongside the Santa Fe River. The contact emails below are open for public scrutiny as a matter of public record. Stick to facts and support material to inform them of what you know to be true.

No permits have been issued and they are interested in gathering information. Expert knowledge is appreciated. If you live in Bradford County, as residents, contact them and tell them how you feel about this mining proposal in your neighborhood, as these are your elected officials and they represent you. 

Eddie Lewis, Chairman, (904) 966-6327,

Daniel Riddick, Vice Chairman, (904) 966-6339,

Kenny Thompson, (904) 966-6339,

Lila Sellars, (904) 966-6339,

Ross Chandler,  (904) 966-6339,  bocc@bradfordcountyfl.go

bradford -MMJ-uf interview
OSFR Policy Director Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson is interviewed by WUFT of Gainesville. She donates several days a week to the rivers and springs.

 This post approved by MBWE


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