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Call For OSFR Members to Assist With the Smithsonian Museum on Mainstreet


Kristina young
Director Kristina Young

Kristina Young, Program Director of the Smithsonian Institute Museum on Main Street, High Springs Water/Ways 2016 has requested help from many sources to assist in this valuable program for our community, so we are hopeful that some of our members may wish to volunteer their services.

Below is an email sent by Kristina which outlines all the ways we can help at the High Springs Museum.  Please contact her if you are interested.Scroll

As we kick things off and running, the Smithsonian recommends the following subcommittees to ensure the success of the overall Water Ways program. I know that each of you are eager to help this project come to fruition so I look forward to getting your assistance with a committee best suited for our success.

These are the recommended subcommittees:

Local Exhibit Subcommittee

The selected community will be responsible for developing and accompanying exhibit, which examines the themes of the Smithsonian exhibition from the perspective of the local community. This local exhibit will be hosted in the Santa Fe room of the Museum. This subcommittee will be responsible for:

Planning and designing local additions to the Smithsonian exhibit

  1. Developing exhibit ideas and lists of resources and items needed
  2. Developing lists of potential resources providers
  3. Soliciting potential providers/partners
  4. Inventory/track borrowed resources and thank/recognize any gifts and loans
  5. Oversee physical installation of the exhibit
  6. Oversee dismantling and return of exhibit materials

Publicity/Advertising – Critical to the success of our project

  1. Develop a marketing plan to help get the word out
  2. Smithsonian has a publications and marketing toolkit available
  3. Create strategic use of the Smithsonian materials
  4. Establish a social media aspect

Education – This committee is responsible for making the connections with the K-12 community and encouraging their participation in the exhibition and related programming.

The High Springs Community School has Partnered with us & they are currently working on the different Water Ways programs they are going to host.

  1. A teachers Guide and Educational Materials kit is available

Volunteer/Docent – Exhibition Host Committee

  1. Responsible for recruiting and scheduling docents
  2. Managing group tours
  3. Collecting evaluation data for reporting

Program Planning Committee

This committee is responsible for planning programs beginning in January through the end of our program dates in conjunction with the water ways project.

Based on the original commitment letters from all of our partners I am happy to say we have partners that fit into each of these categories making the process and the team work so easy. I will be in touch with each of you individually to confirm your input into completing the project you have agreed to help out with.   I again look forward to working with each of you to make the Smithsonian’s arrival an economic impact for our community.

Have a great weekend. Any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or direct at 352-275-1260.

Kristina Young, Program Director
Smithsonian Institute
High Springs Museum on Main Street

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