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Call to Action: Bradford Co. BOCC: Starke, 6:30 April 21, 2016

minemap1 In: Call to Action: Bradford Co. BOCC: Starke, 6:30 April 21, 2016 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


Extremely important meeting on Thursday, April 21  6:30  in Starke, Fl.  County Courthouse, 945 North Temple Ave.  We must ask for a moratorium on mining permits, as was done in Union Co.  We must stop this proposed mining operation in Bradford Co. which will put the Santa Fe River at risk to destruction and ruination.

Phosphate mining in Florida takes place and has had its accidents and environmental catastrophes, which can and do occur in spite of what rich mine owners may say about how safe it is.  Or about how they will use new techniques which are harmless.  That is all theory and meaningless when the accidents happen and they say they are sorry and will pay the fine.   But the fine and  alligator tears will not bring back the river.

Come to this meeting and tell the commissioners why they should not let a few people put the river at risk so they can profit from an operation that endangers the natural resources of Florida.

Go to this link to see a report by respected scientist Dr. Richard Weisskoff  on the long term effects of mining on communities.  It will show a “boom-to-bust” cycle, where there is much activity at the beginning of the mining operation, but a later result of stunted growth and general decline of prosperity in the region.

Dr. Weisskoff also shows that there is no current need for phosphate in the world market, rather a decline in prices due to a surplus.

The Union county commission voted unanimously Monday to implement a one year moratorium on any future phosphate mining applications.  Watch the WCJB news report here.

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