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Carlos Beruff in the Headlines Again.

beruff carlos large In: Carlos Beruff in the Headlines Again. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

beruff carlos large In: Carlos Beruff in the Headlines Again. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Carlos Beruff

Well, any Ethics Board that would not find John Miklos guilty would certainly not condemn Mr. Beruff.  Also, Manatee County authorities are not known for their concern over the environment — they have flagrantly jumped so deep into the pockets of Mosaic that they will never be able to poke their noses out to see the light of the sun shining on Tampa Bay again.

Environment stands not a chance against money, power or  Mosiaic/Beruff/Miklos.

Read the complete article here in the Bradenton  Times.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

Ethics Commission Clears Beruff on Harbor Sound Vote

Staff Report•
Sunday, Mar 22, 2020
BRADENTON — In 2015, politically-connected developer Carlos Beruff of Medallion Homes used his position as the chairman of the Southwest Florida Water Management District board to help approve a permit for fellow developer and sometimes business partner Pat Neal to destroy an acre of high-quality wetlands on Perico Island, resigning the same afternoon.
The Florida Commission on Ethics recently announced that it had found no probable cause that Beruff had a voting conflict in doing so. The commission did find probable cause to believe that Beruff violated financial disclosure laws by failing to properly complete his 2013, 2014, and 2015 CE Form 1, which discloses financial interests.
The land in question is on 3.46 acres of a 40-acre parcel that was transferred into Neal’s son Michael’s ownership in 1997. The developers have plans to build four homes, roughly 4,000 square feet apiece, on lots of around 10,000 square feet along the long sliver of waterfront property.
The Neals have already broken ground on the first home, and the SWFMD permit was a pivotal piece in getting what seemed to be an impossible development off the ground. The City of Bradenton had already, contrary to the regulation of its comprehensive land-use plan regarding wetlands, rezoned the property and did so via a controversial administrative procedure that meant there would be no public hearing….

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1 Comment

  1. What the heck can anyone expect out of a developer? Back in “the day” people were told that commercial fishermen were depleting the fishery when the southwest Florida coast was having its estuaries ravished by development. Yeah, always blame the “little guy”—the farmer, fisherman, and rural mobile home owner for everything environmentally bad!
    Wake up, people!

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