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How can you help?  Here’s an easy way.  Subscribe to Our Newsletter.

We have 3 different newsletters, a Daily Journal, a Weekly Journal, and Action Alerts Only notification.  Once you start receiving Our Newsletter, it’s easy to take the next step and forward Our Newsletter to your friends and colleagues who you think would be interested – or just plain and simple – need to know more.

You can help.  It’s simple.  It’s easy.  Subscribe.

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Click here for more information on our Newsletter Policy.

Our Newsletter Policy

Select to receive a Daily Journal if you want to be notified every day that something new is posted on Our Website.  This includes Action Alerts.  Now even though the Daily Journal says Daily, it doesn’t mean you’ll get a Journal every day, it only means that you’ll get an email on the days we have posted something new.

If your inbox is a little full and you’d like to receive fewer emails from us, select a Weekly Journal.  With this subscription, you’ll get a Weekly Journal of the week’s posts for your review.  This includes Action Alerts.

If you are just way too busy to read anything, but would like to be there when it really matters, then choose to receive Action Alerts Only.  Action Alerts are notices of important happenings where having warm bodies in the meeting or another letter to the representative will really make a big difference.

If you’ve tried everything, and you’re still getting too many emails from us, don’t worry, you can always cancel your subscription quickly by clicking on the link at the bottom of one of the newsletters. You’ll be unsubscribed immediately.

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