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Iche Nippy Dip Day 2016


Brave Iche Dippers Kristina Young, Cathy Street, Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, and Sue Karcher. Big smiles say it all!

Mebane Corey-Ogden conducts an efficient event

Iche Dip Day 2016 dawned gray and drizzly, but the temperatures were not bad and the faithful came out to celebrate the Springs.  The dip was so successful last year that they added another official plunge at eleven o’clock following the traditional one at ten.

Sponsored by the Florida State Park system, this was the 3rd annual event, now an established tradition which is growing each year.  The first event had only about 20 dippers, among them our own Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, along with OSFR members Bob Knight and Cathy Street.  OSFR continues its strong presence, with several brave members participating this year.  After that first event, word spread rapidly and dozens attended the following year.

Park employee Kasey Grace

Dippers were treated with hot chocolate and coffee after leaving the springs, and also were given a free tee shirt, tote bag and water bottle.  Friends of the Ichetucknee were present and accepted donations and memberships for their fine organization.  As always, the event was well organized and executed thanks to the professional State Park staff.


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