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It Is Begun



Activities have begun to get the Haunt presentable for its big moment in time, which arrives next October.  First of all, the venue has been secured, the old video rental next to Subway and the pizza place madness cleansmallout by Winn Dixie in High Springs.  Easily accessible and with plenty of parking.  And with some dark woods nearby.

Sunday morning a small army of volunteers descended upon the building to give it a cleaning like it has not seen in years.  Swept, vacuumed, washed, scrubbed, wiped and dusted and dumped.  With so many hands the work went fast.

This small witch was spotted on the premises with broom & dustpan

Helpers came from as far away as Tampa, as seen in the form of this small witch named Katy, who arrived somehow, perhaps on this old broom,  and who seemed to be connected to Our Santa Fe River.

Madness & Mayhem, now a full fledged non-profit, can still use even more volunteers and it all goes to charity.  If you would like to help contact  Andy or Terry Phelan at

The Haunt is clean!

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