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Lawyers Battle Over Ranch Water Regulations

silversprings In: Lawyers Battle Over Ranch Water Regulations | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

fred hiersAn article by Fred Heirs in today’s Gainesville Sun relates the controversy over the Adena Springs (now called Sleepy Creek) huge water withdrawal requests in Marion Co.  The SJRWMD staff have recommended denial of at least some of the permit application.  Administrative hearings are scheduled for August 25.   Read the article in the Sun HERE for full details.ScrollThis article is of special interest to OSFR and other similar environmental groups because this legal challenge to the water district parallels like challenges by OSFR and the Ichetucknee Alliance to the Suwannee River Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, respectively.  It is a very rare  occurrence that a water district staff recommends denial to its water board as in this case, so the outcome is awaited with extreme interest.


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