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Lily Springs Reapplies for Water Bottling Permit

On Wednesday, Lily Springs, on the Santa Fe River, re-applied for a CUP for BOTTLING WATER.  What? we said…just like you.  They want 200,000 gallons a day up to 1 million gallons a day over a 20 year period of time.  We thought this one was behind us, as they applied several years ago and did not fulfill requirements.  We will be watching this closely and requesting your help when necessary.


SRWMD is just now beginning the permitting process, as they have not completely read the lengthy submission. Lily Spring is a vulnerable recharging springhead for the Floridan Aquifer and backflows periodically, especially during times like these today when we have flooding, doubtful science will support this withdrawal.  Lily wants to bulk transfer.  The District has maintained their integrity as standing firmly against bulk transfer during recent times.

Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson


President of Our Santa Fe River, Inc




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