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Mass Sit-In to Stop the Sabal Trail





clock January 14, 2017January 15, 2017

Jan 14, 2017 at 8 AM to Jan 15, 2017 at 5 PM

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Suwannee River State Park

3631 201st Path, Live Oak, Florida 32060



Join us in putting a wrench into the gears of the pipeline machine. This will be a mass sit-in to stop the Sabal Trail fracked gas pipeline construction from drilling under the Suwannee River in Live Oak, FL.

Exact location for training, parking and protest TBA.

There are several options for camping in the area.

The night before we will hold a direct action training for all participants (not just people risking arrest.)

The night after we will likely hold a vigil at the jail if people are held there.

Not everyone who attends needs to risk arrest, but we ask all to consider their role in making this a successful event. It will be a “power in numbers” moment.

We will plan to avoid the risk of felony charges, and anticipate any arrested will be released by the following morning.

Even if arrests occur, we believe that a “necessity defense” exists, which explains that “the degree of harm actually caused [will be] a reasonably proportionate response to the degree of harm threatened.”

This legal defense strategy explains that laws can and should be broken when there is a real, imminent risk occurring… For example, peircing an aquifer that millions rely on for drinking water to transport a hazardous substance for private profit.

All are invited to participate. Exact details will be forthcoming.

Note: This is one action in a series of many to occur before and after. This one action is aimed at building broader support and creating a higher level of pressure. If you can only make it out for one weekend this month, make it this one.


(This list is a work in progress. Please contact us if you organization would like to be listed here.)

Florida Environmental Coalition

Our Santa Fe River, Inc.

Eternal Springs Earth First!

Florida Peace Action Network

SWFL Clean Water Movement

Greenpeace (USA)

Rising Tide North America

Captains for Clean Water

Occupy Gainesville

Civic Media Center

Save Our Creeks

Everglades Clean-Up Coalition

Love the Everglades

Stone Crab Alliance

Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition

Happehatchee Center

Everglades Earth First!

Global Justice Ecology Project

Food Not Bombs

KY Student Environmental Action Coalition

Alachua County Green Party

Green Party of Florida

Gainesville Quakers Peace and Social Concerns Committee

Palm Beach Friends Meeting (Quakers)

Dunnellon Needs To Know

Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons

More TBA

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