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One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River

brad 4 17pam1 In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

brad 4 17pam1 In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
OSFR President Pam Smith defending the river

A very busy and unusual meeting of the Bradford commissioners last night April 20, 2017 in Starke.  The regular meeting began about 105 minutes late because of an emotion-ridden Building and Zoning meeting beforehand.

As it turned out, this meeting pertained to the interests of OSFR, as it dealt with the issue of a 75-acre, 400-unit RV park to be situated adjacent to a wetlands feeding into Lake Santa Fe, and thus into the Santa Fe River.  Emotions ran high as the loud and sometimes rowdy crowd let their voices be heard in opposition.  OSFR president Pam Smith added to the reasons that this was a very bad idea, one we see over and over when a developer wants to make a buck at the expense of the environment and the rural ambiance.  And the developer wins over and over.

Except this time.

brad 4 17carol In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe Riverbrad 4 17charlie2 In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River brad 4 17jane In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River brad 4 17kate In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Carol Mosely                                   Charlie Trowbridge                               Jane Blais                               Kate Ellis


Well, this one ended very differently than expected, thanks especially to Commissioner Vice Chairman Ross Chandler, who had the integrity and courage to suggest that these elected officials might want to enact the will of their constituents that they represented.  Following the enlightened leadership of Mr. Chandler,  all the other commissioners except Commissioner Durrance followed his lead.

In the years your historian has been attending these meetings, this may be the first ever witnessed that the board’s vote was mixed.  Hard to believe.  This is heady stuff!

One for the river.

brad 4 17pam2 In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River                       brad 4 17will In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River                brad 4 a7jim In: One Maybe Small Step And One Pretty Giant Step For The River | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Pam Smith                                                                        Will Sexton                                               Jim Tatum

As to the mine item on the agenda, the board felt pressure to take action very soon in regard to their next step.  Not knowing what to do, and possessing meager and inadequate LDRs as a guide, the board appealed to the county attorney, Will Sexton.

Of the options outlined by Mr. Sexton, the board chose by vote to request of their attorney that he identify a consultant for assistance.  Previously, it was understood by your writer that the consultant was to review the mine application and LDRs.  This was not clarified last night  which leaves something of an unanswered question.  We hope this is a small good step.

Legal representatives for the mine were present and they apparently hoped to forego a county consultant and proceed to a public hearing.

Thanks to all those who defended our river at this meeting.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-


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  1. I think this is a time for the people to speak out and say no we don’t want our river and natural wild life to disappear from our community. You represent us We The People. We don’t want polluted water. We don’t want our children to die of cancer and we don’t want our area to look like a dead town or area. We want it to grow as it is now. Natural and
    beautiful with people and wild life in harmony.
    We see the sink holes that are endangering our water supply down the state. We don’t want that here. The facts are there. Phosphate people don’t care about us. They just want their money. I hope this County Commission Board will stand by the decision that was made many years ago for this same property. No phosphate mining. I say this because I love my family coummity and my friend and the people of Bradford County.

  2. It is obvious to me that Mr. Sexton is promoting phosphate mining in Bradford County! Last night he stated, he did not carryout the direct order of the last Bradford County Board Of County Commissioners because “there were new members now” ?? How does that make any difference? He was given an order to find professional help concerning “phosphate mining” — AND didn’t do it!!?? Last night, Mr. Sexton asked the Bradford County Commissioners to REVOTE….. What is happening here?? Who runs Bradford County, AND if a few new commissioners means, past orders don’t count, why doesn’t this make the “mining permit” invalid??

  3. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to “give our river and springs a voice”. Without your efforts, it would not have one.

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