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OSFR Quoted in Newsweek

newsweek logo 1 In: OSFR Quoted in Newsweek | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

newsweek logo In: OSFR Quoted in Newsweek | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

The Newsweek reporter did not do a good job listening, as he gets the name of our organization wrong every time, misspells it once, and makes other mistakes.

Merrillee did not tell him that the water district decision on the permit renewal would be announced in November.  It may be, or it may be later.

The springs, rivers and lakes in Florida were determined to be state property long before the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972.
Seven Springs Water Partnership will sell the water to Nestle, not hand over permission to extract it.

Though the Nestle water bottling permit is getting international attention, it is imperative that residents surrounding the facility on CR 340, near Ginnie Springs, on both sides of the Santa Fe River, comment directly into the Suwannee River Water Management District’s permit portal for Seven Springs Bottling Partnership.

The water managers are required to use the 3-Prong Test for this permit issuance.

1. Is it reasonable and beneficial?

2. Does it interfere with existing users?

3. Is it consistent with the public interest?

Lend The River your voice.

Get ready!

Say something meaningful about your community well water supply, the Floridan aquifer.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life: once taken, it cannot be brought back-

Nestlé Wants 1.1M Gallons of Water Per Day From Florida But Conservationists Are Fighting Back

By Ilma Hasan

U.S. Florida Environment Nestle

Fearing permanent harm to Ginnie Springs in Florida, environmentalists are opposing Nestlé Waters’ proposal to take 1.1 million gallons per day from the public source of water.

The food giant faced backlash from local residents for their plan. If Nestlé’s proposal is approved, water levels in the Springs from the Santa Fe River will deplete immensely, said Santa Fe River Incorporation, [sic] an organization that advocates for environmental issues in the area.

“If this permit gets re-issued, the river will see only more declining flows when the entire allocation is reached,” Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, Santa Fe River [sic] board member, told Newsweek on Tuesday.

The Florida Water Resources Act in 1972 determined spring water, rivers and lakes were the property of Florida. But the act did not set a price on the water, Gainesville Sun reported Saturday. Locals fear Nestlé will be able to take the state’s water and not pay Florida for it.

Sante Fe [sic]  Board’s objection is within the interpretation of the laws that protect business entities who can gain a tremendous amount of wealth from a public water supply.

But it’s not just about money. Florida residents are worried about what will happen to the ecosystem.

“Every bit of healthy freshwater flowing out from the Floridan aquifer is necessary to keep our ecosystems intact, for an abundance of fish, reptile, microorganisms, and waterfowl populations. This important waterway is also vital for the local and state economy as a result of freshwater springs contributing to a thriving recreational tourism destination,” Malwitz-Jipson said.

Florida’s state water agency, Suwannee River Water Management District, is responsible for the issuing the water use permit to Seven Springs, who will hand over the permission to Nestle.

The current permit holder, Seven Springs, has never drawn more than 260,000 gallons per day, but Nestlé has invested heavily in a new bottling plant so it can draw more water. Nestlé insists that that drawing 1.1 million gallons of water per day is only .05 percent of the total daily volume there, according to a WTSP News report on Monday….

The board members are demanding the water agency to deny the permit as the verdict is set to be announced in November….


The Nestle waters’ logo at the entrance to the factory is pictured at the water production plant in Contrexeville, eastern France on May 23, 2017. SEBASTIEN BOZON/AFP/Getty Images
Read the rest of the article here in Newsweek.

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