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Outstanding Florida Springs MFL Workshop

springmfls In: Outstanding Florida Springs MFL Workshop | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

springmfls In: Outstanding Florida Springs MFL Workshop | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

There was a brief workshop today May 24 2017 at SRWMD headquarters where Carlos Herd presented the plan to establish an MFL for the remaining Outstanding Florida springs in the district, which are Falmouth, Peacock, Troy and Lafayette Blue.

Of note is the information that the MFL will have its baseline established on the “historic flow.”  When asked, Carlos Herd explained that this is the flow before impacts of note began, such as withdrawals for agriculture or other similar reasons.  This is important, because the water scientists in SWFWMD, when establishing the MFL for Crystal River, chose to ignore historic flows measured by the U.S. Geologic Survey, and used a number reduced by about 50 per cent of that.

Models show an allowable flow reduction of 9.9 per cent, although actual  practice reduction will be considerably less in the four springs.

There will be further opportunity for public comment on this MFL on June 13.  More specific information will be forthcoming.

This topic did not attract many people at this meeting.  OSFR President Pam Smith, your historian and two other members of the public were present, along with three from DEP and  representatives from other agencies.

A repeat presentation was to be held at 6 pm, which will be attended by other environmentlists, including OSFR members.

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