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Outstanding Santa Fe River Springs Protection Forum

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Today, January 29, 2015 at Otter Springs on the Suwannee River, the Santa Fe Springs Protection Forum met to discuss several topics pertinent to the rivers and springs.  This forum was presented bysanta fe river sprins forum 2Stacie Greco of the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department and processed pleasantly and flawlessly, offering everyone present an opportunity to participate, discuss and learn regarding water related topics.  Presentations included those by Rob Williams of the Center for Earth Jurisprudence, Bob Palmer of the Florida Springs Institute, and several by SRWMD staff.

After the presentations and discussions, Dale Jenkins of SRWMD lead a field trip to Mallory Swamp which featured a springs and aquifer recharge project which is currently in progress.

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Board Risers Retain Water in the Canal

OSFR was represented by its president Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson and several other members who attended both the presentations and the field trip.

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