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Rally Against Sabal Trail On University of Florida Campus



Stop Sabal Trail.  Water protectors gathered today on the coattails of Tim Kaine and entourage on the University of Florida campus behind the student union.  They displayed their signs and handed out flyers describing the bad aspects of Sabal Trail, and explained the reasons to young people who had never heard of the pipeline.


This crowd almost met the description of the “choir,” but for the fact that few of these students knew there was a pipeline in the works.  They, for the most part, are environment sensitive.  bkain-rallysierra

The rally was organized by Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson of Sierra Club on very short notice.  The group was small in number but of very high quality.

Politics aside, the crowd was receptive and hopefully Sierra Club and OSFR accomplished a bit toward educating more Florida citizens about the fragility of our environment.

bkain-rallymmjvideo                                                             Merrillee video tapes the protectors


kain-rallyteeshirt                                             OSFR was not without representation and were ardent supporters

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the great signs you made and carried. Thank you for the information you offered to educate those who were on the campus during your visit. May every protest over the Sabal Trail Pipeline be heard and finally listened to. Every person reading this note…….please continue your efforts to encourage cessation of the pipeline construction.

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