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Rising Seas Menace Florida, Climate Change Is Real And It Is In Miami

rising seas In: Rising Seas Menace Florida, Climate Change Is Real And It Is In Miami | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


Toluse Olorunnipa has an article in today’s (Nov. 30, 2014)  Gainesville Sun describing Gov. Scott’s headaches with the not-to-be-denied climate change and raising waters in south Florida.

Gov. Scott has environmentalists as well as major tea party members, such as the Panhandle Patriots, pressuring him.

“Under new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations, Florida must reduce carbon emmissions from power plants by 38 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.”  Scott’s DEP must submit a plan by 2016.

“Meanwhile, in South Florida, high tides regularly wash onto streets.”  “During this century, sea-level rise will intensify storm surge along the coastline, according to the Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force.  Flooding and insurance costs will force residents to abandon neighborhoods, the group said in a July report.”

“The city of South Miami approved a resolution last month seeking to split the state in two, citing a lack of support from the capital for climate-change challenges.”

How will this affect the people in North Florida?  Well, all those people fleeing rising flood waters in the south part of the state, will have to settle somewhere.

Read the article in its entirety on page 6F at this link.

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