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River Cleanup


Photo by Rhonda Thiaville

Last Thursday several people, among them OSFR members, chose a short section of the Santa Fe to pick up trash.  In only about 100 yards, several large trash bags were filled with mostly beer cans and glass bottles.  The area targeted was the large shoals a few hundred yards below the downriver border of Poe Springs park.

Trash dumping has always been a problem in our rivers, but in recent years the exponential growth of users, some of whom show inconsideration for others, has resulted in way too much trash going into the Santa Fe.

It is for this reason we appreciate those who care.  Some of these people are Terry and Andy Phelan,  Rhonda Thiaville,  Darryl Steinhauser,  Sharon Yeago (OSFR board member!) SandyHubbard and Al Clement .  Thanks to all of you.

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  1. Thank you to ALL who help keep our water’s in the Santa Fe River clean. Floating and swimming in this river is like being on top of the Floridan Aquifer, your very own water supply. Think about it.

  2. We have been pulling out numerous bottles in the river from a small area just off of our bank…it’s amazing that people are actually capable of such rampant environmental disregard.

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