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Say No to the Dakota Pipeline AND SABAL TRAIL



The Gainesville Sun has an editorial about the  protest in North Dakota which has been on-going since April, but mostly successfully kept out the national news broadcasting programs.   This shows the American government has not changed since the many atrocities committed and treaties broken in the treatment of the American Indians in the 19th century.

When it comes to oil money versus a few Indians, it’s not hard to predict the outcome.  This is a really fine example of media news manipulation.  Try to find it on CNN, ABC, NBC or any other station.

Read some of the  editorial below, and go to this link for the complete story.   Dakota Access Pipeline and Sabal Trail – drilling under the Missouri River, or under the Santa Fe River,  all the same.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-



Say no to the Dakota pipeline

An editorial from the Los Angeles Times:

The U.S. government’s relationship with Native American tribes has been long, often duplicitous, and generally one-sided — which has cast a shadow of history over the weeks-long showdown in North Dakota over the 1,170-mile, $3.7 billion Dakota Access Pipeline.

In recent months, protesters from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their supporters from around the country have been confronted by private security forces with trained dogs, as well as police and National Guard troops. More than 400 people have been arrested amid allegations of abuse by law enforcement officers and counter-allegations of violence by protesters, who have been accused of heaving Molotov cocktails and torching cars. And the protests are spreading; a dozen people were arrested in San Francisco last Monday.

It’s hard to defend the actions of protesters blocking approved development projects on private property, but it’s easy to sympathize with their cause. The Army Corps of Engineers issued permits for the Dakota Pipeline despite warnings by the Environmental Protection Agency and two other federal agencies about possible environmental and safety issues.

When the tribe’s request for an injunction was turned down, the Obama administration announced that the Army Corps of Engineers would delay granting a permit to cross a strip of federal land and tunnel under the Missouri River “until it can determine whether it will need to reconsider any of its previous decisions” in the project’s favor.

And Obama said Tuesday that the Army Corps is investigating “ways to re-route” the pipeline to take into account the tribal concerns.

The administration should go further and withhold the permit allowing the pipeline to cross the Missouri River. Making it easier and cheaper to burn fossil fuels works against the world’s interest in confronting its biggest environmental threat.

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