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Silence Will Be Interpreted As Acquiescence Or Apathy


Kate Ellison Expresses Her Concerns About the Mine

Opposition to the phosphate mine continued to be expressed at the Bradford County commissioners meeting July 21, 2016 in Starke.  Kate Ellison of Melrose and your OSFR historian traveled to the podium to remind the board that the public has not forgotten about the mine, and they called on the commissioners to carry out their duty of promoting the well-being of Bradford County and protecting our resources.  Both speakers urged the commissioners to take advantage of the offer of assistance from Alachua County to revise the Land Development Regulations.

Present in the audience were others who also opposed the mine, although they did not speak.  No one spoke in support of the mine.  Thanks to Ms. Ellison for taking the trouble to voice her concerns, and we need more people to attend these regular commissioner meetings which take place twice monthly.  Our message needs to be repeated over and over to the people who have the power to stop the mine.  Silence will be interpreted as acquiescence or apathy.  Come out to the meetings and tell the commissioners your thoughts.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-

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