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Community Involvement & Smithsonian Exhibit in High Springs



The High Springs Historical Society has the opportunity to apply for acceptance into the Smithsonian Institute’s “Museum on Main Street” program.  This is a traveling exhibit called Water/Ways Exhibit 2016, and would be displayed at the Historical Society housing in High Springs.

bob watson
Bob Watson, High Springs Historical Society

High Springs would pool its knowledge about the water of this community regarding usage, sense of place, industry, spirituality, physicality, history, recreation as we interpret it.

The Historical Society is looking for the following people/groups to participate with letters of commitment and support:  Partnering organizations, local scholars/presenters, and volunteers.

Please go this link to see better the Overview below:

Water Ways Overview

Please go to this link to see better the sample letter below which can be used to submit to the High Springs Historical Society.

Water Ways Sample Letter

This is a great opportunity for our community to show the treasures we have here, and to show what we do and do best.  There are six communities in Florida which will be chosen and time is short.  High Springs is the only community applying which is in the heart of the springs region.

The Society needs the applications and letters by Friday, June 26, 2015.  Once approved, the information may be revised but we need the initial information by then.

If you have something to contribute about our waters here in our area, please help us out.

Please go to this link to see the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street  water program.

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  1. Thank you for your support!!! We look forward to this exciting opportunity to spread the word about our local water ways with everyone’s help. Kristina Young program director.

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