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Some Excellent Projects Here

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Our SRWMD has come out with some excellent ways to spend our money.  The cost-share program is ill-conceived because this amounts to a license to pollute given out and then a bribe to pollute less.  The only logical way to do this is to not allow the pollution when permits are given out.

The Piedmont Dairy sorely needed this containment of nutrients from being released into the groundwater.  Once again, this dairy should not have been allowed to pollute in the first place.  This is a reward for being naughty.   But we are glad it is being fixed.

The rock mine assistance and the expansion of the excellent wetlands project for Lake City are good choices for ways to use taxpayer money.  OSFR”s advisor Dr. Robert Knight’s old business Wetlands Solutions was the designer of  this successful project, even though not recognized during the opening press conference.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

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